Why have a portrait?
Nevada learners want to know themselves, contribute their skills to the community, connect with others, and thrive through life's inevitable challenges.
The world is more connected than ever. Technological advancements continue to reveal uniquely human skills – the durable skills that are highly correlated with lasting success in the real world. ​
Nevada relies on the contributions of young people across all personal backgrounds and geographies. Whether they live in the heart of Clark County or on the edge of Eureka County, in suburban Washoe County or on Route 95 in Mineral County – Every young person in Nevada deserves the opportunity to build the life they choose.
In 2021 and 2022, Nevada educators, learners, families, businesses, and community members came together to imagine the future of learning and create an action plan for how to get there.

We heard from Nevadans about the skills and mindsets that matter most to them.

October 2022
200 Nevadans gathered to envision the future of learning and identify portrait mindsets and skills.

January 2023
Youth participating in the Vision Seekers Fellowship share input on the evolving portrait.

January 2023
Over 1,400 responses from conversations and surveys were coded to create a Portrait draft.
“Most of my classes and assessments are based on memory and not actual growth of how concepts are grasped.”
-Kendal J.
What skills and mindsets do learners need?
January - April 2023
600+ Nevadans completed Survey 2 alongside virtual and in-person feedback conversations. 50+ one-on-one interviews were held with Nevadans. These conversations shaped the final portrait.

*Real input from real Nevadans.
May 2023:
A final portrait is created.
How will I thrive?
How do I build and sustain relationships and community?
How will I grow in my learning?

How will I contribute to make an impact?
Portrait Timeline